
The Wolven race has only been known to exist for a few hundred years. Rumoured to have been brought into existence by a powerful mage, their largest population centre is a settlement called Dasos, within the lands of Aslak. Wolven tend to look towards the eldest in their communities to solve disputes and make decisions, following a simple code of helping others in their community in order to be successful. Wolven consider respect to be the highest of virtues, and they are natural hunters. Highly adaptable by nature, Wolven assimilate themselves into other cultures with ease.

Language: Greek

Life Expectancy: 40 to 60 years

Child 1 – 4
Teenager 5 – 9
Young Adult 10 – 15
Mature 16 – 24
Middle Age 25 – 34
Old 35 +
  • Originally Posted: March 14, 2019
  • Last Updated: September 20, 2021



‘Pistos Pnevma’, pronounced “Pish-toes P-Nehv-muh”, the proper name for the Wolven race, is derived from their native language. It translates to ‘Loyal Spirit’. There are many tales of how the Pistos Pnevma came to be. The stories vary outside the forests of Aslak, but the wisest elders and oldest spirits will almost always tell the story like this:

Long ago, the races of the world were scattered, violent and mistrusting. They would war with one another for reasons long forgotten. They would war with themselves when no other race could be found. Love was a rough thing, and rough children were born of rough acts. Cowardice was their word for peace, and those who yearned for it were trod to death under the march of those who did not.

The spirits of the land grew tired of the fighting among mortals. The lands suffered and wept endlessly under the punishment. The spirits devised a plan to end the suffering of the lands and bring an end to the constant fighting. They would come in the darkness and steal away the children of the mortals. Only the strong were taken, so the spirits would take the future strength of those who would breathe hatred into all they surveyed.

The mortals blamed each other, blamed the darkness, and blamed the shapeless things that passed in the corners of their vision. Legends grew and the forests became haunted places where death waited on coiled legs to spring upon those foolish enough to enter. Still, for every three children born, one would vanish to a new life with the spirits.

The spirits raised the children to adulthood and taught them how to live in harmony with the land and each other. New children were brought and given to the adults to be raised in the ways they were raised. Each were told to never venture out of their territory, for the wicked things of the world lived beyond the domain of the spirits.

For a time, the children and adults raised by the spirits were content. Unfortunately, all times of peace and happiness must end. Some of the mortals grew curious and bold. Some from the hostile outside world would venture too near, and some from the docile inside would venture too far. Many believe that the spirits of fate and destiny grew tired of monitoring the lives of mortals who were stolen from their rightful paths. Others simply accept that changes are like the seasons, and will come without being bid to do so. Whatever the reason, the two mortal cultures met and everything had to change once again.

Most of the mortals raised by the spirits retreated deeper into their safe lands. A few decided to venture out and learn about the people who shared their likeness. The cruel world seeped into their hearts and minds, and it was not long before they returned with lessons of betrayal and distrust. The spirits were thrown into despair as they watched the ideals of greed and selfishness overtake their children. It was then that the spirits were given a surprise. Their children banded together and protected one another. Against all threats and all enemies, the children were as one. Those who would sow the seeds of distrust and hatred were cast out and left behind. Those who were loyal moved on and found new lands to dwell within. Sadly, the violence of mortals pursued them relentlessly and the spirits saw their children were not equal to the threat before them.

The spirits gave their children the tools to survive, to fend off the threats from outside their group, and to fight back in the name of peace. Each child was imbued with the qualities of the creatures which shared their way of life. The spirits called their children the Pistos Pnevma, for they had shown loyalty in all things. The spirits of wolves and other canines were woven into the essence of these mortals because they too were loyal creatures who knew the value of the pack and the futility of the individual.

Some accounts of the tale would replace the spirits with a creator figure. It is this creator who worked with its minions to steal away children and fold them into a loving and loyal society. There has never been any evidence of the creator, so the legend has passed into myth and is all but dismissed in modern recountings.

The Wolven, as they are called in the common vernacular, were born and drove back any who would threaten their way of life. They continue to do so to this day, deep in the forest cities of Aslak.

While almost all Wolven will use their common name, and accept others calling them by it, it is more respectful to use their proper name when dealing with elders. Wolven society is deeply spiritual, and composed of a multitude of pack-like communities.

The War With Felnir

Somewhere to the west of Aslak and to the east of Felnir is a sacred place. It is commonly referred to by the Wolven as the Tomb of the Creator or the Fountain of Spirits. It is believed that this is why the Wolven will never abandon their home and constantly war with the Savar’Aving. Both races are of the firm belief that this sacred place is theirs by birthright, and are unwilling to allow the other side to share it. Over the years, neither side has made much progress in expanding their official territories into the forests toward one another. The war has come to a cold standstill with very rare open conflicts. Both nations have unofficial settlements of so-called travelers who move about the unclaimed region. While both nations are well aware of the intent of such settlements, they both choose to remain politely blind to these practices while more pressing world matters take priority.


The forest territory of Aslak is the heart of the Wolven nation. It is composed of multiple settlements and townships. It is widely believed that the Wolven settled in this location long ago because of its proximity to where they came into existence.

There are a number of specialist factions with Aslak, though they do not possess as many members as they would like. While some of these factions are among the largest in the world for their speciality, the population of Aslak simply does not boast the numbers that other kingdoms do.

The Zompi Kyngos, or Undead Hunters, are made up of Witch Hunters, Undead Hunters and Healing specialists. They are isolationist by nature and tend to recruit members once a year who are then taken deep into the woods for training. Some say they undergo a dark ceremony which sends their spirit to rest while leaving their body alive to hunt and kill Undead without emotion or fear. They barely speak, and when they do it is in short commands. They are joyless and efficient at what they do and enjoy the support and respect of Wolven society as a whole.

The Iero Asylo are the Holy Seekers who search for the holy birth place of the Wolven endlessly. It is these Wolven who continue to harass and assault Savar’Aving who are found to be too close to Wolven territories. Support for this faction is divided within Aslak, and many feel that their quest is fruitless, or that they simply enjoy harrowing the Savar’Aving and stopped searching ages ago.

Vesmir is a major deity of the Pistos Pnevma and, as such, they boast the largest faction of Vesmir followers in the known world. They call themselves Fysiki Taxi, or Natural Order, and they are devout in their beliefs that Vesmir’s word must be followed. Almost every settlement in Aslak contains a church of the Natural Order, and their members often border on the fanatical or militant in their practices of faith. Their rites and sermons have a very shamanistic element to them, and Dark and Light followers walk the same halls. The more devout followers harbor an intense dislike and distrust for the Zompi Kyngos, as they believe their ceremonies are an affront to Vesmir and natural law.


Each community has their Alpha couple and those down the pecking order, much like in canine life. Unlike their animal likeness, each community answers to the Alpha community which is led by the highest Alpha couple within Dasos, the capital of Aslak. It is worth noting that the Wolven people have become more aggressive since their fabled origins, but are overall a peaceful and spiritual race. Displays of dominance or submission are expected between ranks, but also occur within them, especially when new members are added or removed from a rank.

Most positions of political or martial power in Wolven culture are held by men. Male Wolven are more likely to lead and female Wolven are more likely to follow. Women are not treated poorly, but the genders do tend to separate duties and positions according to gender. In most cases, neither gender resents or disrespects the other for the role they play in their society. A commonly used metaphor is that of a couple dancing: one must lead and one must follow, but both are important.

Minor scuffles are a common occurrence the further down the pecking order one goes, but fights escalate in severity as the ranks rise. Challenging an Alpha is taken very seriously and only done in dire situations. It is far more common for a community to split and form new communities in order to preserve the harmony of their societies. The original communities respect the freedom of their former members to choose their own lives. Many Wolven settlements end with the words ‘den’ or ‘pack’.

Many canine behaviors still exist within Wolven societies and those who are not acquainted with those mannerisms can find themselves out of place. Bearing one’s neck and looking down from eye contact are considered gestures of submission, as bearing one’s teeth and staring directly at someone are considered gestures of challenge.

Alphas are the leaders, charged with making decisions and ensuring the prosperity and wellbeing of their community. Betas act as seconds to the Alphas and usually find themselves in more publicly accessible roles when not in security or military roles. Gammas comprise the rest of society as tradesfolk. Alphas are served first and allowed to speak first. Gammas serve those above them and speak last. All the ranks within society are equally important and lower rank does not equate to less respect in most settlements. Alphas know they cannot lead without strong Betas and value the efforts made by every single Gamma. Betas know they need the leadership of the Alphas and the services of the Gammas. Gammas know they need the protection of the Betas and are happy to live without the responsibilities of the Alphas.

Marriage and Mating

Sexes within Wolven society are not as strictly defined as they are by other races. While males are certainly the leaders of their race, many Wolven do not identify by the organs which they could use to reproduce.

Wolven will naturally pair off into couples of all types. Wolven marriage does not involve the common trappings of ceremony. A Wolven couple is more likely to pair off and assume a role within their community without making any kind of official announcement about it. Those couples will often have what could best be described as open relationships with multiple lesser mates who are also non-exclusive with them. This polyamory is less about sharing affection, for many, and more about establishing a sense of community and having a replacement for mates who pass away. In this fashion, the community is always prepared to recover from losses both expected and unexpected.

The Pistos Pnevma are not born in litters like their animal likeness. While it is common that they are born in pairs, single births are the most common. Pups are raised within their settlements and societies by the society as a whole. They are taught to hunt, to track Undead, and the dangers of fire by all those older than themselves. The community acts as a single parental unit in order to allow each pup to grow into the role which best suits them.


The Pistos Pnevma are a deeply spiritual race. Shamanism is a widely practiced art among Wolven and is deeply incorporated into their worship of the gods and devotions to dragons, when such belief is present. Many Wolven do not worship the gods or devote themselves to the dragons, but remain devout towards the spirits.

The southern settlements do tend towards Doranth, even if the blue dragon does not pay them much attention. This is likely due to their shamanistic approach to devotions, which the dragon tends to see as somewhat worshipful. It is also just as likely due to the dragon’s introverted nature and disinterest in anything that is not magical.

The other settlements claim the largest concentration of Vesmir followers in the known world. Vesmir’s views on natural death are easily adapted into the spiritual beliefs of the Wolven. They embrace the idea that there is a proper order to things. In their daily lives, spiritual lives, and in death, there is a proper flow of events. Most will tend to the Light side of Vesmir, though a few will argue the virtue and uses for the Dark. In the end, it is their most powerful tool against the Undead which plague the forests of their home.

When a Wolven passes from this life, their bodies are returned to the earth. It is vitally important to Wolven that the body return to the cycle of life while the spirit is welcomed home. Wolven believe that spiritual harmony may only be achieved when the body has been shown proper respect. The land gives the Wolven their lives, and so in death they must return the charity they have been shown. The spirit they were given in birth must be allowed to return to its home where it will one day find a new body, or remain with the spirits as a reward for lifetimes of loyalty.

Common Quirks and Superstitions

Wolven believe in reincarnation, wherein a Wolven may have lived many past lives as a Wolven or as another creature of nature. After many lives, a spirit may decide to remain with the spirits forever and simply watch over their Wolven families. Some packs and families believe that animals can carry omens. For example, an owl will signal death or doves will bring luck. Most Wolven believe you should never make wishes, because it calls on evil spirits to bring what has not been earned. Gifts like this never come without a price.

Wolven are loyal to a fault, and once they have set their beliefs in something it is difficult to convince them otherwise. This is not to say they never change their opinions, but they will need proof and reason to change their ways. This loyalty touches all aspects of their lives and is true for both good and evil of Wolven. Wolven will almost always seek out the company of others. They are wary of those who seek solitude and often shun, fear, or try to save them from their isolation.

Wolven believe that evil spirits are where bad thoughts and ill intent originate. Evil Wolven will do all they can to bring evil spirits near so they might further their dark agendas. Good Wolven will do all they can to ward off these evil spirits within themselves and others. As such, wytchcraft is very uncommon among Wolven and they tend to react with violence and hatred towards those who make use of it. Blue beads are said to ward off wytchcraft and the evils it may conjure. Running water will also carry evil away. The steam baths commonly found in or near a Wolven settlement are believed to wash away illness, bad luck, or evil elements from those who cleanse themselves within. Naturally, Wolven are quite fond of bathing in steam baths or fast moving streams. Sometimes Wolven will write down or draw symbols to represent dark thoughts they have had on pieces of parchment or wood and then cast them into moving waters to be carried away.

Perhaps the most important and most commonly shared belief by Wolven is that Undead are not the same person they were in life. No Undead can be trusted, as they are always bad spirits who have learned to mimic the deceased.


Contact with the outside world and other races is not overly strict. Many settlements will welcome visitors, allow other races to live among them, and conduct trade and business. The only real requirement is that those who spend time among the Wolven share their way of life and cause no issues. Other races are not afforded the same authority of opinion as even the lowest ranking Wolven, but they are no less a part of the community and are not normally treated poorly for being different.

The main hub of trade in Aslak is within Polounpack on the eastern border of their nation. It is a very large trading community which sends caravans to all the other towns and settlements within Aslak, and brings their goods to be traded to the outside world. The Alphas of Polounpack oversee pricing and ensure that each settlement receives a fair return on their goods, while delegating what goods will be sold in which settlements within their nation. They have the largest concentration of military presence, and some believe they are the true Alpha community of Aslak, rather than the official capital community of Dasos.

Crime and Punishment

Wolven settlements all have their own laws, but there are laws which are present in every society. These laws follow Wolven wherever they go, and are deeply ingrained in who they are as a race. Most see these laws as common sense for any community which is so deeply connected, but Wolven know better than to rely on common sense. Every loyal Wolven follows Pack Law, which states that no action be taken which will harm the community. This one simple law covers everything from murder to theft, neglect to abuse and everything in between. The only other universal law for Wolven is the Law of Challenge. This law demands that all Wolven challenge any other Wolven who is in violation of Pack Law.

Challenges can take many forms, and actually very rarely involve combat. Individual challenges are resolved by the two Wolven involved, while challenges of the community are resolved by tribunal. The tone of presenting a challenge is often aggressive, but the harmony of the community cannot be preserved if Wolven begin to shed the blood of one another. Many attribute this to the strong following of Vesmir, but the Pistos Pnevma are far gentler than the outside world imagines them. The Alpha of a pack may only be challenged once a year for leadership of the pack.

Punishments vary, and in times past the guilty would be branded ‘ghosts’. The guilty Wolven would be outcast and ignored. It would become illegal to acknowledge that they exist if it could be in any way avoided. In this sense, the guilty were dead to the Wolven and forgotten. It is a common temporary practice still used to this day, though in the past it was the single harshest punishment available. The complications that arose from this practice have made it a more common short term punishment, not unlike a jail term. More serious crimes have more serious consequences in modern times. Branding by flame, confinement by flame, and death are now the most severe punishments in Wolven society.


The militant branches of the Pistos Pnevma are twofold. There are the Wolven of the sea, and the Wolven of the land. Both are formidable and highly skilled, having spent years at war with the Savar’Aving and Undead, and experiencing the occasional incursion of Ice Elves or Einher from the north seas.

The naval portions of the military are called the Karcharias which translates to ‘Shark’ or ‘Dog Fish’ in the common tongue. They are a finely tuned military unit and command sturdy ships which may not be the most elegant in design, but are capable of sustaining immense amounts of damage. The ships are designed to resist fire, and are able to shed layers of armor plating when damaged or on fire.

The land based portions of the military are called the Frouros which means ‘Sentinel’ in the common tongue. Specialized in guerilla warfare as well as herding unwanted visitors into traps or ambushes. They contain a large number of Undead Hunters, but are mostly made up of rangers and scouts. Each community within Aslak has a proportionate number of these soldiers to patrol and protect it.

Common Personalities and Views

Wolven are a community-oriented race. Selfishness and greed are almost unheard of in the species, and any Wolven who exhibits either trait in a significant quantity is either shunned or considered a ‘project’ for the rest of the Wolven in their community to fix. Wolven look out for each other and orient their behavior towards the good of the group. They also understand that they have a specific place within the group, be it the Alpha or the Omega, and will listen respectfully to their leaders and elders.

Nature and spiritual health are important to Wolven, so they abhor necromancy and wytchcraft, and will generally not suffer a Necromancer, Undead, or Wytch to live. Though not every Wolven is so aggressive, even if they aren’t openly combative towards them, they will be very uncomfortable around a member of any of these groups.

Some common character types for Wolven might be shamans, scouts, Undead Hunters, or healers. Wolven are not as aggressive as other races might expect, and usually actually avoid conflict and violence with others and their internal group whenever possible.

Views on Other Races

Ajaunti: “They have loyalty to their pack, but share their wisdom with all? Strange, but not unwelcome.”

Avians: “Simple and easy to understand. They have strange practices and beliefs, but you always know what they are about.”

Berphauntian: “A cold and cruel kingdom that breeds cold and cruel people.”

Brood: “A dangerous adversary full of selfish intent. Few monsters are worse than these creatures.”

Carnal Fae: “They live so long and change their minds so often. It is hard to trust that kind of person.”

Dark Elves: “They live in the darkness surrounded by bad spirits and bad intentions.”

Deep Dwarves: “Another race that lives underground. One has to wonder what they are hiding from.”

Draconian: “You can judge them based on their colour. It makes it really easy to know which ones to talk to and which ones to avoid.”

Einher: “A violent and angry race. Great to have on your side in a fight, but everything about them is war this and war that… We know all too well where that leads.”

Faceless: “These things are bad spirits for sure.”

Fauns: “Wonderful creatures. The spirits have given the world a great gift by bringing them to us. We should protect and cherish these ones.”

Firbolg: “Savage and stupid. Time has moved forward and they bang sticks and rocks together in their caves.”

Fire Elves: “Fire is bad. I don’t care if you dress it up like an elf.”

Gargylen: “Unnatural things. No two are ever alike, so get to know one before you decide whether it is worth knowing.”

Gnomes: “Their devices often lead to fire, but they are funny now and then.”

Goblin: “Evil monsters that make our homes more dangerous than they need to be.”

Grey Elves: “Legends say they walk with the spirits, so I will walk with them if asked to.”

High Elves: “Stuck up and arrogant. What happens when their kingdom falls out of the sky?”

Hobling: “They know how to have a good time, but they rarely know how to be loyal.”

Ice Elves: “I think they are just born crazy. Who goes around cutting on themselves and others for fun? Ice spirits must be a little bit broken.”

Kobold: “Annoying and stupid. We all know they are going to steal your stuff and try to knock you out. Just kill them and save everyone the hassle.”

Minotaur: “Really strong, but not the smartest race. They have some serious issues with Fae.”

Mountain Dwarves: “They are not bad folk. They just have an unhealthy obsession with digging.”

Ogre: “Some are okay, but most are just strong enough and just stupid enough to be dangerous.”

Orc: “Like Ogres, but green. You have the worst parts of Goblins and the worst parts of Ogres in one body.”

Pax: “No religion, no magic, no spirits. I am not sure anything could offend me more than these abominations.”

Risen: “I was wrong. If there is one thing worse than the Pax, it has to be these Undead who eat spirits and hide their Undead side. Wolven are not so easily fooled.”

Savar’Aving: “Our oldest enemy. They brought the Undead to our lands, they want what is ours by right. We may not attack each other on sight, but never let your guard down.”

Sidhe: “I don’t understand them. They lived with the Fae and now they live here? Fae are strange.”

Squamata: “Most of them are okay. They tend to be skittish and stay away from mixing with the other races unless they have to. Approach slowly and talk softly or they will spook.”

Stone Elves: “They are very serious about being boring. At least you can take them at their word since a lie is too close to a joke with these ones.”

Tiefanese: “Human kingdom of the Light. They are good people for the most part, if not a bit overbearing with their message.”

Trolls: “Very hard to kill. Sadly, they are not our friends despite our shared hatred of fire. Kill them with acid or use a very long stick to push them into the fire.”

Vulcan Dwarves: “They live underground and near fire. Absolutely insane.”

Wild Elves: “The best elves I have ever met. Most of the tribes have some spiritual understanding. They generally hate Undead, and they are trustworthy friends.”

Wood Fae: “Most can be trusted and they have a healthy respect for the world and the lives of those in it.”

Roleplaying Tips

A PC Wolven is advised to speak to current Wolven players about possibilities of shared histories or enter game with other players. If you wish to play a character that is extremely loyal, has firm beliefs and surrounds themselves with likeminded individuals, Wolven is a wonderful choice. While lone wolf characters are possible, they do tend to stand out and people may shy away from them due to the stigma that lone Wolven have something wrong with them. It is just as easy to come into a game setting already having met existing characters in their histories as it is to arrive in game expecting to meet people as you go.

Names for settlements in Wolven society will commonly end with ‘den’ or ‘pack’, so it is easy to come up with a settlement within Aslak or other lands if you wish to be from a Wolven town. Your character should be loyal to your ‘pack’, your beliefs and your goals. This is true for good characters, evil characters and all those in between. The superstitions and quirks are for roleplay flavor and are completely optional, as with all races. It is best to pick and choose which ones are a good fit for who your character is and what direction you want to take them in. Choosing to be spiritual and have beliefs about the good and bad spirits of the world is a major part of Wolven culture, but which beliefs you choose is up to you.

There is no hard rule regarding your particular breed of Wolven and the class or attitude of your character, with the exception that they cannot be foxes. While some will choose your more common wolf breeds, others will choose other varieties of dog type breeds. The breed of canine you choose may be your favorite type of canine, or it may be something you associate with that breed. The tracker may be a Bloodhound or Grey Wolf. The healer may be a Saint Bernard. The warrior may be a Rottweiler or Arctic Wolf, while the playful Wolven may choose a smaller breed. It is yours to have fun with. Wolven may not be foxes, due to the creation of the Yokai.